Course details

Project Practice 3

IP3 Acad. year 2018/2019 Winter semester 5 credits

Current academic year

  • Instructors appointed by the head of department present their projects and certain goals to be achieved by the students in advance before enrolment.
  • Students enrol in projects in the similar way as in the bachelor's thesis. A supervisor has the final right to choose. His/her choice will be justified in the written form briefly (e.g. previous practice, achieved grade average).
  • The supervisor is responsible for the regular check of a student's activity.


Course coordinator

Language of instruction

Czech, English


Classified Credit

Time span

  • 52 hrs projects

Assessment points

  • 100 pts projects



Subject specific learning outcomes and competences

Student will reach an ability to solve autonomously an individual project from a practical range, to describe the solution and individually defend it. 

Learning objectives

To make talented bachelor students familiar with the basis of research work by participating in different projects conducted by research and development groups under the expert lead of a project supervisor.

Why is the course taught

There is an elective course. It allows already during study in the frame of  a tution to take part in a real project solution which are usually directed to academical workers and doctoral students. The course is teaching because it allows for talented students to work with top technologies and solutions already during the study. Further it allows students to write reports of their work and to defend them.

Compulsory prerequisites

Study literature

  • According to orientation of the project.

Syllabus - others, projects and individual work of students

  1. An individual project according to assignments and instructions of a supervisor.

Progress assessment

A student works on the assigned task according to his/her supervisor's instructions. It is expected that the student will attend regular consultations with the supervisor.
Exam prerequisites:
Before the end of teaching part of a semester, the student will hand in a written report in the form of a scientific article in the extent of at least 10 regular pages. Before the end of the examination period, the student presents his/her results for 15 minutes at the department seminar. The head of department determines the assessment in the range of 0-100 points on the supervisor's proposal based on the defence and the submitted report. In order to gain a credit it is necessary to get at least 50 points from 100. A student must gain at least 70 points or higher to be able to continue in the follow-up course "IP2e - Project practice 2".

Controlled instruction

  • Continuous consultations with student's supervisor.
  • A written report in the extent of at least 10 regular pages.
  • 15 minutes presentation and defence at the department seminar.

Exam prerequisites

Before the end of teaching part of a semester, the student will hand in a written report in the form of a scientific article in the extent of at least 10 regular pages. Before the end of the examination period, the student presents his/her results for 15 minutes at the department seminar. The head of department determines the assessment in the range of 0-100 points on the supervisor's proposal based on the defence and the submitted report. In order to gain a credit it is necessary to get at least 50 points from 100. A student must gain at least 70 points or higher to be able to continue in the follow-up course "IP2e - Project practice 2".

Course inclusion in study plans

  • Programme IT-BC-3, field BIT, 3rd year of study, Elective
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