Course details
Culture of Speech and the Generation of Texts
IKPT Acad. year 2017/2018 Winter semester 5 credits
Course offers theoretical introduction to communication studies, etiquette, formal presentation togehter with practical communication training, rhetoric and presentation training. Part of the course deals with standards and regulations of written personal documents as well education texts.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 39 hrs lectures
- 13 hrs exercises
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
Students will be able to explain basic terms of Communiaction Psychology, aplly theoretical knowledge to actual situation as well as to assess performance efficacy of their colegues from seminary. Students define subject of Communication Psychology, list prototypical interpretation of nonverbal gestures, analyse communication strategies of complex situations.
Learning objectives
Basic knowledge of formality protocol, elergement of communication and presentation skills, often used in the education practice.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
To be interested in given problems, and to have the minimum knowledge in writing.
Study literature
- Wieke, T.: Rétorika v praxi. Praha, REBO Productions, 2005.
- Průcha, J.: Tvorba textů. Elektronický materiál Ústavu jazyků FEKT VUT v Brně, Brno, 2003.
- Hierhold, E.: Rétorika a prezentace. Praha, Grada Publishing, 2005.
- Kohout, J.: Rétorika - Umění mluvit a jednat s lidmi. Praha, Management Press, 1995.
- Dohalská, M., kol.: Mluvím, mluvíš, mluvíme - kapitoly z moderní rétoriky. Praha, Horizont, 1985.
- Cmíralová, J.: Učte se mluvit. Brno, naklaDATELství, 1992.
- Spillaneová, M.: Image muže. Praha, Ikar, 1995.
- Spillaneová, M.: Image ženy. Praha, Ikar, 1995.
- Sampsonová, E.: Jak si vytvořit působivý image. Managment Press, Praha, 1996.
- Machálek, J.: Společenské chování. Petrklíč, Praha, 2000.
- Guth-Jarkovský, J.: Společenský katechismus. Praha, Československý spisovatel, 1992.
- Praško, J., Prašková, H.: Asertivitou proti stresu. Praha, Grada Publishing, 1996.
- Novák, T., Capponi, V.: Asertivně do života. Praha, Grada Publishing, 2004.
- Morris, D.: Body Talk. Praha, Ivo Železný, 1999.
Fundamental literature
- Špačková, A.: Moderní rétorika. Praha, Grada Publishing, 2003.
- Vybíral, Z.: Psychologie lidské komunikace. Praha, Portál 2000.
- Lewis, D.: Tajná řeč těla. Praha, Victoria Publishing, 1993.
- Khelerová, V.: Komunikační dovednosti manažera. Praha, Grada, 1995.
- Smejkal, V., Bachrachová, H.: Lexikon společenského chování. Grada Publishing. Praha 1993, 2002.
- Pease, A.: Řeč těla. Portál, 2001.
Syllabus of lectures
- Communication
- Formality protocol
- Rhetoric
- Presentation
- Creating the texts
Progress assessment
Requirements for completion of a course supossed minimally 80% sucess in final test and realisation at least one presentation in 10 minute duration.Requirements for completion of a course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every.
Teaching methods and criteria
Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations.Teaching methods are: preaching, discussion, presentation training.
Controlled instruction
80% of presence in lectures and seminaries. The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.
Course inclusion in study plans