Course details
Programming Seminar
Language of instruction
Time span
- 20 hrs exercises
- 6 hrs projects
Assessment points
- 80 pts mid-term test (written part)
- 10 pts numeric exercises
- 10 pts projects
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
Item has no knowledges.
Learning objectives
The goal of the course is to provide a different point of view to key principles of programming and operating systems. In particular, with respect to abstraction of algorithms and formal automata and models, to reach the connection of theoretic and practical knowledge of a given topic.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
There are no prerequisites
Syllabus of seminars
- Pointers, dynamic memory allocation.
- Stack frames, recursion.
- Compilation and debugging of programs.
- (computer laboratory)
- (computer laboratory)
- Finite automata, POSIX regular expressions.
- Synchronization of processes.
- Deadlock.
- (computer laboratory)
- (computer laboratory)
- Page tables.
- Demand paging, page faults.
- Accreditation exam.
Syllabus of computer exercises:
- Exercising and consulting of task of programming.
- Demonstration and solution of a given task.
- Exercising and consulting of task concerning operating system.
- Demonstration and solution of a given task.
Progress assessment
The minimal total score of 50 points gained during a semester.
Controlled instruction
- Evaluation of the two home assignments solved in pairs of students (max 20 points)
- Evaluation of an accreditation exam (max 80 points)
Course inclusion in study plans