Publication Details
Path planning and traversable area marking for stereo vision-based 3D map building
path planning, stereocamera, visual SLAM, traversable area marking
This paper deals with the path-planning of a robot during the exploration and 3D map building in the unknown environment. The robot usesa stereocamera for significant features detection, then matches them in bothimages and computes their 3D coordinates. This way the robot incrementallycreates the 3D map of its surroundings and tries to explore as much area aspossible. This paper describes the way of marking the traversable path in themap created so far and the path planning to the next explored goal point. As themap uses points and triangles to represent shape of the surface, the traversablearea marking and the path planning is also done in the map which isrepresented in the same way.
author="Jaroslav {Rozman} and František {Zbořil}",
title="Path planning and traversable area marking for stereo vision-based 3D map building",
journal="International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics (IJCVR)",