Publication Details
Cipher for Internet-based Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Architecture
Balitanas Maricel
SCADA, crossed cipher scheme, AES, ECC
SCADA historically is responsible for monitoring and controlling critical infrastructures and manufacturing processes in an isolated environment. But with the requirement of a timely access of
information for making decisions, large and modern companies being in a geographically diverse location take advantage of the internet as an important communication channel to allow the exchange of data. However, with SCADA being in the internet raise the issue of security. As more components of control systems become interconnected with the outside world using IP-based standards, the probability and impact of a cyber attack heighten. With the posted threats and listed vulnerabilities in this study, a retrofit for
these threats through the crossed cipher scheme is presented. To get the best of both types of cipher symmetric using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and the asymmetric ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) to address the Confidentiality, Authentication, Integrity and Non-repudiation issues in SCADA system.
author="Martin {Drahanský} and Maricel {Balitanas}",
title="Cipher for Internet-based Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Architecture",
journal="Journal of Security Engineering",