Publication Details
Bezpečnost čipových karet a detekce vykonávaných operací pomocí genetického programování
Schäfer Jiří, Ing.
smart cards, security, genetic programming, evolutionary algorithms
This paper describes a way how to find new methods for detection ofoperations running on smartcards using a side channel informations.These new methods based on a genetic programming and evolutionaryalgorithms use power consumption tracking, because of price and itscapability for this purpose.
Many detection methods have beenalready developed for this purpose by now, but most od these methodsare very simple and therefore are inaccurate or have good results onlyfor several operations. Our goal was to use genetic algorithms toartificially evolve a completely new algorithms, designed specially foroperation detection, that are free of traditional signal processingalgorithms. Our decision was based on complexity of description ofpower consumption and problems of designing new algorithms atraditional way.
author="Peter {Pecho} and Jiří {Schäfer}",
title="Bezpečnost čipových karet a detekce vykonávaných operací pomocí genetického programování",
booktitle="Datakon 2007",