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Project of foundantion of Faculty of Information Technology at Brno University of Technology with respect to industrial requirements and to Bologna declaration
Faculty od information technologies, study program, curriculum, industry, collaboration
Project of foundation of Faculty of Information Technologies at Brno University of Technology with the respect to industrial requirements and to Bologna declaration.
Jan M Honzik
Historical background of the Technical
Higher education has long tradition in the Czech part of the Central Europe. Well known Charles University (founded 1348) has successors in engineering education. The age of the three Technical universities is over one century. The oldest branches were based on lumbering and mining, followed by steel processing and machinery and mechanical engineering. Brno University of technology was founded in 1899, fifty years after establishing of Czech technical educational institute. Graduate of the five year university study program was awarded traditional title "Ing" - corresponding to MSc or MEng. The curriculum is based on strong theoretic prerequisite subject, mostly mathematics and physics.
Historical background of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Electrical Engineering was founded in early sixties. The first attempt to establish the new faulty oriented to informatics in 1993 was modified to the transformation of the faculty to Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The explosive development if information and communication technologies made the condition for establishing the new faculty more promising.
Educational tradition
Professionally oriented secondary schools educated about the half of post-primary educating population in the second half of the previous century. Leavers became the production work-masters, foremen and middle level-managers of production plants and factories. Less then 50% of graduates continued their studies at universities as the second most important input stream besides the general secondary schools of the "gymnasium" type.
Bologna declaration in Czech Universities
Bologna declaration brought the new view to tertiary level of education. Three level system - bachelor, master and doctor - is anchored in the new university law. Industrial environment influences start of realising the existence of the new type of professionals with broader competencies, with the stress for language, managerial and presentational abilities. Still, the aim of the most bachelors is to continue in master studies to obtain traditional title "ing", which is in the society more acceptable and appreciated then "Bc". The crucial question - whether the bachelor level is vocationally oriented or oriented as prerequisite for master degree - is still actual. The compromise is the most often solution. The rate of the compromise might me expressed in the percentage of theories in the bachelor curriculum. All technical universities adopted ECTS credit system and they uses it both for accumulation and transfer of credits.
Why the new faculty?
The first attempt to found the independent faculty oriented to informatics issued in the compromise with more developed priorities of computer science and separated study program from the beginning of the study at the common faculty with extended name to "Faculty if Electrical Engineering and Computer Science" in 1993. Explosive demand of professionals for IT in the U.S.A. and Germany encouraged the new attempt to establish the Faculty of Information Technologies. The answer to regular question, why communication technology is not involved, explains that the lost of both strong branches might make the rest of faculty too weak. The necessity for co-operation of information and communication parts of technologies might be good reason for peaceful and fruitful co-existence of both new faculties - Faculty of Information Technologies (FIT) and Faculty of Electrical and Communication Technologies (FECT).
Links to industry
There was well developed co-operation to Czech industry from the early sixties, when the department of computing started its career. Links to heavy industry are steadily changed to cooperatio
author="Jan M. {Honzík}",
title="Project of foundantion of Faculty of Information Technology at Brno University of Technology with respect to industrial requirements and to Bologna declaration",
booktitle="Proceedings of 2nd international Conference {"}New Horizons in Industry and Education{"}",
publisher="Technological Educational Institute of Crete. Heracleion, Gree",