Publication Details
Hardwarové a softwarové řešení bezpečnosti
Švéda Petr
secure hardware, security evaluation, criteria, security standard, Common
Criteria, API, cryptography, coprocessor
The article analyses the problem of criteria for security evaluation of
information technologies. Currently used Common Criteria are discussed with
respect to relations with older standards, terminologies and metodologies. The
applicability of the Common Criteria in the area of commercial applications is
analysed. The properties of secure hadware are stressed. The notion itself is
defined together with trust and the notion of trustful device is discussed. The
text of the next section is based on an alternative characteristics of secure
devices based on easily definable properties. The last part of the article is
about the most complex secure devices - cryptographic coprocessors. The problems
related to the use of such devices are described and new threat, complexity of
application interface, is shown. This vulnerability is demonstrated by several
attacks that have been implemented on real hardware devices.
author="Daniel {Cvrček} and Petr {Švéda}",
title="Hardwarové a softwarové řešení bezpečnosti",
booktitle="Mikulášská kryptobesídka",