Publication Details
Infinite Language Hierarchy Based on Regular-Regulated Right-Linear Grammars with Start Strings
Rychnovský Lukáš, Ing., Ph.D.
right-linear grammars, regular regulation, infinite hierarchy
of language families
The present paper discusses regular-regulated right-linear
grammars with start strings and their generative power under some additional restrictions.
The present paper discusses regular-regulated right-linear
grammars with start strings rather than single symbols. It
demonstrates that these grammars with start strings consisting of no more than n + 1 symbols are stronger than these
grammars with start strings consisting of no more than n
symbols, for all n >= 1. On the other hand, these grammars
with start strings of any length only generate the family of
regular languages if they change the position of rewriting
finitely many times during the derivation of any sentence
from the generated language.
author="Alexandr {Meduna} and Lukáš {Rychnovský}",
title="Infinite Language Hierarchy Based on Regular-Regulated Right-Linear Grammars with Start Strings",
journal="Philippine Computing Journal",