Publication Details
A Component Model with Support of Mobile Architectures and Formal Description
Software Architecture, Component-Based Development, Component Model, Formal
Common features of current information systems have significant impact on
software architectures of these systems. The systems can not be realised as
monoliths, formal specification of behaviour and interfaces of the systems' parts
are necessary, as well as specification of their interaction. Moreover, the
systems have to deal with many problems including the ability to clone components
and to move the copies across a network (component mobility), creation,
destruction and updating of components and connections during the systems'
run-time (dynamic reconfiguration), maintaining components' compatibility, etc.
In this paper, we present the component model that addresses component mobility
including dynamic reconfiguration, allows to combine control and functional
interfaces, and separates a component's specification from its implementation. We
focus on the formal basis of the component model in detail. We also review the
related research on the current theory and practice of formal component-based
development of software systems.
author="Marek {Rychlý}",
title="A Component Model with Support of Mobile Architectures and Formal Description",
journal="e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal",