Publication Details
Framework for model-based design of mullti-agent systems
Janoušek Vladimír, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS)
Kočí Radek, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS)
Mazal Zdeněk, Ing., Ph.D.
Zbořil František, doc. Ing., CSc. (DITS)
system modelling; agent systems; model-based design;
programming languages
When developing a Multi-agent systems (MAS) we need, among others, to bulit agent architecture together with some decision algorithms and communication protocols. Before such systems are realised in a real world, we should sufficiently test and verify their behaviour. The presented text describes a new approach to building artificial agents and MASs using the methodology of model-based design. In this methodology some models are used for testing the behaviour of particular elements as well as for testing the behaviour of the system as a whole - in both cases by simulation. Our aim is to develop a tool that would allow model-based design of systems with artificial agents. For this reason we have been building an application called Tool for Multi-Agent System Simulation (T-Mass) which is aimed at model-based development. As a part of the tool we also developed a language called Agent Low-Level Language (ALLL), by which agents' behaviour is controlled.
author="František {Zbořil} and Vladimír {Janoušek} and Radek {Kočí} and Zdeněk {Mazal} and František {Zbořil}",
title="Framework for model-based design of mullti-agent systems",
journal="International Journal of Autonomic Computing",