Publication Details
New language operations in formal language theory
Vítek Martin, Ing., Ph.D.
- stringology
- sequential insertion
- parallel insertion
- scattered sequential insertion
- sequential deletion
- parallel deletion
- scattered sequential deletion
- finite automata
- closure properties
Stringology represents a modern part of the formal language theory, which deals
with strings, languages and operations on them. It introduces many new language
operations, which can be divided into two groups - insertion and deletion
operations. This paper presents these operations and some their properties.
Especially, closure properties are studied here. New algorithms that construct
finite automata accepting languages resulting from some of these operations are
described here. We actually demonstrate by designing these algorithms, that the
family of regular languages is closed under these operations.
author="Alexandr {Meduna} and Martin {Vítek}",
title="New language operations in formal language theory",
journal="Schedae Informaticae",