Publication Details
Pseudonymity in the light of evidence-based trust
Matyáš Václav, Dr. (CM-SFE)
privacy, trust, distributed systems, anonymity, pseudonymity
This position paper discusses the relation of privacy, namelypseudonymity, to evidence-based trust (or rather reputation). Criticalconcepts of evidence-based trust/reputation systems are outlined first,followed by an introduction to the four families of the Common Criteria(for security evaluation) Privacy Class: Unobservability, Anonymity,Unlinkability, and Pseudonymity. The paper then discusses the commonproblem of many papers that narrow the considerations of privacy toanonymity only, and elaborates on the concept of pseudonymity throughaspects of evidence storing, attacks and some of their implications,together with other related issues like use of mixes.
author="Daniel {Cvrček} and Václav {Matyáš}",
title="Pseudonymity in the light of evidence-based trust",
journal="Lecture Notes in Computer Science",