Publication Details

Význam funkční magnetické rezonance pro hodnocení kognitivních pochodů v lidském mozku.

BRÁZDIL, M.; DOBŠÍK, M.; PAŽOURKOVÁ, M.; KRUPA, P.; REKTOR, I. Význam funkční magnetické rezonance pro hodnocení kognitivních pochodů v lidském mozku. Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, 2002, roč. 2002, č. 5, s. 20-30. ISSN: 1210-7859.
English title
The Role of fMRI in Evaluation of Congnitive Function of Human Brain. Localisation of Activated Neuronal Population using `oddball` task
journal article
Brázdil Milan, Prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (UBMI)
Dobšík Martin, Ing., Ph.D.
Pažourková Marta, MUDr.
Krupa Petr, doc. MUDr., CSc. (ETC FIT)
Rektor Ivan, prof. MUDr., CSc.

Oddball; event-related fMRI; SPM; P3 genesis


The functional MRI method underwent rapid development during the lastdecade. It maps neuronal activation indirectlty by examining corticalhaemodynamic changes. We still do not know its exact relation to studyof cognitive function.We present "event-related" functional MR (efMRI) study of auditory"oddball" paradigma in 10 healthy volunteers in this paper. We comparedresults of present efMRI study with results of our previous ERP studyto evaluate the measure of equality between regions with significantlydifferent haemodynamic response to frequent and target stimuly, andknown position of intracerebral P3 generators. Both methods revealedactivation of many regions, especially in parietal and frontal lobe(lobulus parietalis superior, inferior, gyrus supramarginalis, gyruscinguli, lateral prefrontal cortex, gyrus temporalis superior andthalamus). Haemodynamic activation in most of these structures wasright lateralized in accordance to todays knowledge. On the contrary,not the presented study nor any other previous study reveal theexpected haemodynamic response in most significant P3 generator -amygdalohyppocampal complex. Even if the efMRI method is very useful inrecognition of neurocognitive corelates of mental processes, the methoditself is not able to find complete map of activated brain areas duringcognitive function. This may be caused due to incomplete ability of theefMRI metod in capturing very short transient changes in neuronalpopulations. Thus It is still necessary to consider efMRI ascomplementar method and evaluate it results very carefully.

Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, vol. 2002, no. 5, ISSN 1210-7859
  author="Milan {Brázdil} and Milan {Brázdil} and Martin {Dobšík} and Marta {Pažourková} and Petr {Krupa} and Ivan {Rektor}",
  title="Význam funkční magnetické rezonance pro hodnocení kognitivních pochodů v lidském mozku.",
  journal="Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie",
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