Publication Details
Multisequential Grammars with Homogeneous Selectors
Vurm Petr, Ing.
multisequential grammars, selective grammars, homogeneous selectors
This paper deals with selective substitution grammars. It concentrates on multisequential grammars with homogenous selectors that have all their activated parts identical. The present paper explains what these grammars are by enlarging on the notion of multisequential grammars. Furthemore, it demonstrates that for every phrase-structure grammar, there exists an equivalent homogenous multisequential grammar having two selectors, either of which has two activated parts.
This paper deals with selective substitution grammars. It concentrates on multisequential grammars with homogenous selectors that have all their activated parts identical. The present paper reduces the number and size of selectors in these grammars. Indeed, it demonstrates that for every phrase-structure grammar, there exists an equvalent multisequential grammar having two homogenous selectors, either of whci has only two activated parts.
author="Alexandr {Meduna} and Petr {Vurm}",
title="Multisequential Grammars with Homogeneous Selectors",
journal="International Journal of Computer Mathematics",