Publication Details
SUNAR: Surveillance Network Augmented by Retrieval
SUNAR, wide area, surveillance, video analytics, retrieval, similarity, tracking, trajectory, integration.
The paper deals with Surveillance Network Augmented by
Retrieval (SUNAR) system - an information retrieval based wide area
(video) surveillance system being developed as a free software at FIT,
Brno University of Technology. It contains both standard and experi-
mental techniques evaluated by NIST at the AVSS 2009 Multi-Camera
Tracking Challenge and SUNAR performed comparably well.
In brief, SUNAR is composed of three basic modules - video process-
ing, retrieval and the monitoring interface. Computer Vision Modules are
based on the OpenCV Library for object tracking extended by feature
extraction and network communication capability similar to MPEG-7.
Information about objects and the area under surveillance is cleaned,
integrated, indexed and stored in Video Retrieval Modules. They are
based on the PostgreSQL database extended to be capable of similarity
and spatio-temporal information retrieval, which is necessary for both
non-overlapping surveillance camera system as well as information anal-
ysis and mining in a global context.
author="Petr {Chmelař} and Aleš {Láník} and Jozef {Mlích}",
title="SUNAR: Surveillance Network Augmented by Retrieval",
booktitle="ACIVS 2010",
series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
publisher="Springer Verlag",