Publication Details
Experimental simulator of advanced light aircraft
Rzucidlo Pawel
Advanced LightAircraft, Flight Simulator, Modeling and Simulation, Flight Mechanics, Flight Control
This paper introducesthe design of the SimStar and the M-15 advanced experimental flight simulators.Real time rapid prototyping environment integrated within the simulators allowsfor design, prototyping and testing of advanced control modes, including non-typicalstructures of formulated models and algorithms. Practical experimental tests ofsimilar concepts preformed in parallel on two independently developed experimentalflight simulators allowed for a more rapid and precise verification of proposedsystems. On the other hand, the complexity of the man-machine interactions and someof their unpredictable aspects require advanced pilot in the loop tests whichcan be performed on a type specific certified simulator only.
author="Peter {Chudý} and Pawel {Rzucidlo}",
title="Experimental simulator of advanced light aircraft",
booktitle="6th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials",
publisher="Opole University of Technology",