Publication Details
Affordable Light Aircraft Flight Simulators
Chudý Peter, doc. Ing., Ph.D., MBA (FIT)
Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c. (DCGM)
LightAircraft, Flight Simulator, Modeling and Simulation, Flight Mechanics
Two designs of a low-cost flight simulator for research, development andtraining purposes are being presented in this paper. The first simulator hasbeen designed and built at the Brno University of Technology,Faculty of Information Technologies. This simulator is based on a cockpit of apopular Evektor SportStar light sport aircraft. The flight simulator designedat Rzeszow University of Technology, Department ofAvionics and Control, is based on the cabin of the M-15 aircraft. Bothsimulators support two operational modes. The first mode uses a model of theflight dynamics delivered from an external, commercial or open-source software.The second mode supports custom aircraft models and an environment dynamics runin a selected real-time simulation. Open and modular architecture of simulatorsallows for a rapid prototyping of new cockpit layouts and design of intuitiveflight control systems and user interfaces for the light and ultra-lightaircraft.
author="Pawel {Rzucidlo} and Peter {Chudý} and Pavel {Zemčík}",
title="Affordable Light Aircraft Flight Simulators",
booktitle="AIAA GNC",
series="2010 AIAA Meeting Papers on Disc, Vol. 15, No. 9",
publisher="American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics",