Publication Details
Programs with Lists are Counter Automata
Habermehl Peter
Vojnar Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS)
Bouajjani Ahmed
Bozga Marius
Moro Pierre
formal verification, model checking, programs with linked lists, counter automata, bisimulation
We address the verification problem of programs manipulatingone-selector linked data structures. We propose a new automatedapproach for checking safety and termination for these programs. Ourapproach is based on using counter automata as accurate abstractmodels: control states correspond to abstract heap graphs where listsegments without sharing are collapsed, and counters are used to keeptrack of the number of elements in these segments. This allows to applyautomatic analysis techniques and tools for counter automata in orderto verify list programs. We show the effectiveness of our approach, inparticular by verifying automatically termination of some sortingprograms.
author="Iosif {Radu} and Peter {Habermehl} and Tomáš {Vojnar} and Ahmed {Bouajjani} and Marius {Bozga} and Pierre {Moro}",
title="Programs with Lists are Counter Automata",
booktitle="Computer Aided Verification",
series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
publisher="Springer Verlag",