Publication Details
ASIP Design using Architecture Description Language ISAC
Přikryl Zdeněk, Ing., Ph.D.
Masařík Karel, Ing., Ph.D. (CM-SDE)
Hruška Tomáš, prof. Ing., CSc. (DIFS)
Application Specific Instruction-setProcessor; ISAC; Lissom; Architecture Description Language; DesignSpace Exploration; Electronic Design Automation; Electronic SystemLevel Design
Design of new application specificinstruction-set processor has key role in creation of new embeddedsystems. There is need to have most parts of the design processautomated, so the time to market is short and price of the finalproduct is low. Designer can use with advantage some integratedenvironment in which he describes new specialized processor usingsuitable language and the same environment allows him to program andsimulate designed processor's behavior. In this extended abstract,Lissom project is presented. This project uses architecturedescription language called ISAC for processor modeling and providespowerful integrated development environment.
author="Adam {Husár} and Zdeněk {Přikryl} and Karel {Masařík} and Tomáš {Hruška}",
title="ASIP Design using Architecture Description Language ISAC",
booktitle="ACACES 2009 - Poster Abstracts",
publisher="High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation",