Publication Details
Optimisations of Fuzzy Systems Simulation
Fuzzy system, fuzzy controller, optimisation, modelling and simulation, simulation library, FuzzySIMLIB/C++.
This paper deals with design of a simulation library that supports work with
uncertainty in simulation models originally based on the combined simulation approach. Further the paper deals with identification and solution of problems with the efficiency of simulation models with fuzzy systems. The basic abstract tool for design of the fuzzy parts of the model is the fuzzy controller. The inference mechanism that is activated with every evaluation of the fuzzy controller causes consumption of too much of computing power by the simulation. This paper also deals with solutions
of this problem in simulation library FuzzySIMLIB/C++.
author="David {Martinek}",
title="Optimisations of Fuzzy Systems Simulation",
booktitle="Proceedings of 43rd Spring International Conference MOSIS'09 Modelling and Simulation of Systems",