Publication Details
Fast and scalable packet classification using perfect hash functions
Kořenek Jan, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY)
classification, FPGA, perfect hash function
Packet classification is an important operation for applications suchas routers, firewalls or intrusion detection systems. Many algorithmsand hardware architectures for packet classification have been created,but none of them can compete with the speed of TCAMs in the worst case.We propose new hardware-based algorithm for packet classification. Thesolution is based on problem decomposition and is aimed at the highestnetwork speeds. A unique property of the algorithm is the constant timecomplexity in terms of external memory accesses. The algorithm performsexactly two external memory accesses to classify a packet. Using FPGAand one commodity SRAM chip, a throughput of 150 million packets persecond can be achieved. This makes throughput of 100 Gbps for theshortest packets. Further performance scaling is possible with more orfaster SRAM chips.
author="Viktor {Puš} and Jan {Kořenek}",
title="Fast and scalable packet classification using perfect hash functions",
booktitle="Proceeding of the ACM/SIGDA international symposium on Field programmable gate arrays",
series="Association for Computing Machinery",
publisher="Association for Computing Machinery",
address="New York",