Publication Details
Code Analysis and Transformation To a High-Level Language
Reverse engineering, recompilation, compiler, decompiler, disassembler, assembler, Lissom, ISAC, LLVM IR
Primary objective of this thesis is a construction of a generic decompiler, i.e. tool that can recompile from any binary form to a chosen high level language. Output must be function-ally equivalent to the input. Process of decompilation is highly dependent on the processor architecture. This problem is solved with description of semantic of each instruction by a special language designed for this use. This proposal is implemented in practice as a part of project Lissom. Generic decompiler is completely new idea. The thesis contains entirely new techniques from theory of compilers and optimizations made by the author.
author="Jakub {Křoustek}",
title="Code Analysis and Transformation To a High-Level Language",
booktitle="Proceedings of the 15th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2009",
publisher="Vysoké učení technické v Brně",