Publication Details
Using Integer Programming for Discrete Problem Optimization
Cutaraj Valerie
Češka Milan, prof. RNDr., CSc.
integer programming, optimization, timetable generation, Petri nets
An application of integer programming that generates optimal examination timetables is presented. The model is based on common assignment problem constraints together with more advanced logical constraints penalty-based relaxations. In order to minimize the number of constraints we identify dense timetables where the main objective is elimination of clashes and sparse timetables where we spread the exams as evenly as possible.
We present an application of integer programming that generates optimal examination timetables. The model is based on common assignment problem constraints together with more advanced logical constraints penalty-based relaxations. In order to minimize the number of constraints we identify dense timetables where the main objective is elimination of clashes and sparse timetables where we spread the exams as evenly as possible. We also discuss the possibility of using Petri and related nets to solve this problem.
author="Jaroslav {Sklenář} and Valerie {Cutaraj} and Milan {Češka}",
title="Using Integer Programming for Discrete Problem Optimization",
booktitle="The 2008 European Simulation and Modelling Conference",
series="EUROSIS-ETI Publications",
address="LE HAVRE",