Publication Details
Seamless Simplification of Timed-CPN in Project Plan Formalization
Project, Project Management, Project Plan, Timed Coloured
Petri Nets, Formalization, Network Diagrams, Optimization
The paper describes the transformation of network diagrams into a Timed Coloured Petri net. It shows the possibilities of project parameters optimization.
We have recently used Timed Colored Petri Nets (Timed-CPN) to improve possibilities of project plans based on network diagrams and to give a formal background to this improvement. Algorithmically created Timed-CPN provides required features, but it may be too complex in some of its sub-areas. The paper presents a specification of such elements of a Timed-CPN that can be eliminated with no impact on time behavior of the complete net. The elimination can be done algorithmically. Thus, we can reduce large nets in size automatically, which improves readability of the model on the Timed-CPN level.
author="Dušan {Kolář} and Šárka {Květoňová}",
title="Seamless Simplification of Timed-CPN in Project Plan Formalization",
booktitle="3rd IFIP Central and Eastern European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques CEE-SET 2008",
publisher="Wroclaw University of Technology",