Publication Details
GPU Acceleration of 2D-DWT Image Compression in MATLAB with CUDA
Thisarticle will present the details about the acceleration of 2D wavelet-basedmedical data (image) compression on MATLAB with CUDA. It is obvious that thediagnostic materials (mostly as a certain type of image) are increasinglyacquired in a digital format. Therefore, common need to daily manipulate hugeamount of data brought about the issue of compression within a very lessstipulated amount of time. Attention will be given to the accelerationprocessing flow which exploits the massive parallel computational power offered by the latest NVIDIA graphicsprocessor unit (GPU). It brings a compute device that can be programmed using aC-like language using CUDA, (Compute Unified Device Architecture). In thesame time, a number of attractive features can be exploited for a broad classof intensive data parallel computation tasks. The final part of discussion outlines possible directionstowards future improvements of compression ratio and processing speed.
author="Václav {Šimek}",
title="GPU Acceleration of 2D-DWT Image Compression in MATLAB with CUDA",
booktitle="Proceedings 2nd UKSim European Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation",
publisher="IEEE Computer Society",