Publication Details
Physically Based Real-Time Terrain Deformations: Extensions
Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
Terrain Deformations, Terrain Dynamics, Simulation, Modeling
This paper describes a model which deals with physically based real-time terrain deformations. The problem of terrain
deformationmodeling is wide, it includes the modeling of terrain purely "by hand",the terrain modeling by hand with help of some physical laws (e.g.modeling forces or material properties) and modeling deformationscaused by external, mostly nature, forces. The presented method belongsto the last case. More specifically, in our work we designed,implemented and tested simple physically based model which simulatesthe terrain deformations caused mainly by moving objects on its surfaceand by explosions of bomb above the terrain. The results show that ourproposal is suitable for its purpose and has potential to furtherextension and investigation.
author="Radim {Dvořák} and Martin {Drahanský}",
title="Physically Based Real-Time Terrain Deformations: Extensions",
booktitle="Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision",
publisher="Lomonosov Moscow State University",