Publication Details
Modeling of Service Oriented Architecture: From Business Process to Service Realisation
Weiss Petr, Ing., Ph.D.
Service-oriented architecture, Business process model, Service specification, Composite services
This paper deals with modeling of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).SOA is an architectural style for analysis, design, maintaining andintegration of enterprise applications that are based on services.Services are autonomous platform-independent entities that enableaccess to one or more capabilities, which are accessible by providedinterfaces. The goal of SOA is to align business and IT architectures.Hence, a new designed service has to meet business requirements thatare traditionally specified by a business process diagram. Theapproach, presented in this paper, helps to bridge the semantic gapbetween business requirements and IT architecture by using a method fortransformation of business processes diagrams into services diagrams.In particular, the method deals with process realisation based onservices and it describes choreographing of services towards fulfillingbusiness goals.
author="Marek {Rychlý} and Petr {Weiss}",
title="Modeling of Service Oriented Architecture: From Business Process to Service Realisation",
booktitle="ENASE 2008 Third International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering Proceedings",
publisher="Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication",