Publication Details
Acquisition of Telephone Data from Radio Broadcasts with Applications to Language Recognition
Hubeika Valiantsina, Ing.
Burget Lukáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
Schwarz Petr, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
Matějka Pavel, Ing., Ph.D.
Language Identification (LID), Broadcast data, Phone call detection, Channel compensation
The work is on Acquisition of Telephone Data from Radio Broadcasts with Applications to Language Recognition.
This paper presents a procedure of acquiring linguistic data from the broadcast media and its use in language recognition. The goal of this work is to answer the question whether the automatically obtained data from broadcasts can replace or augment to the continuous telephone speech. The main challenges are channel compensation issues and great portion of unspontaneous speech in broadcasts. The experimental results are obtained on NIST LRE 2007 evaluation system, using both NIST provided training data and data, obtained from broadcasts.
author="Oldřich {Plchot} and Valiantsina {Hubeika} and Lukáš {Burget} and Petr {Schwarz} and Pavel {Matějka}",
title="Acquisition of Telephone Data from Radio Broadcasts with Applications to Language Recognition",
booktitle="Proc. 11th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue",
publisher="Springer Verlag",