Publication Details
Formal Specs Reuse with Embedded Systems Design -- Behavioral and Architectural Specifications in Real-Time Application Domains
Embedded systems, Formal specification, Finite automata, Timed automata, Case-based reasoning
This paper deals with reuse of architectural and behavioral specifications of embedded systems employing finite-state and timed automata. The contribution proposes not only how to represent a system's formal specification as an application pattern structure of specification fragments, but also how to measure similarity of formal specifications for retrieval with case-based reasoning support. The paper provides also an insight into case-based reasoning support as applied to formal specification reuse by application patterns built on finite-state and timed automata. Those application patterns create a base for a pattern language supporting reuse-oriented design process for a class of real-time embedded systems.
author="Miroslav {Švéda}",
title="Formal Specs Reuse with Embedded Systems Design -- Behavioral and Architectural Specifications in Real-Time Application Domains",
booktitle="IEEE Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Systems, ICONS 2007",
publisher="IEEE Computer Society",
address="New York",