Publication Details
Modeling of Services and Service Collaboration in UML 2.0
Zendulka Jaroslav, doc. Ing., CSc. (UIFS)
Service-Oriented Architecture, Service-Oriented Architecture Design, Service Co-operation, service, component.
One of many definitions of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) saysthat SOA is an architectural style for building next-generationdistributed information systems. If we want to get a reliable and goodworking system, it must be well designed first. This paper deals withService-Oriented Architecture Design (SOAD), especially with modelingof services. Furthermore, abstraction layers of SOA are introduced andpossible using of object oriented approach on each layer is discussedin this paper. Besides, three types of service collaboration arepresented. The main objective of the paper is to demonstrate how thesetypes of collaboration can be described in UML 2.0.
author="Petr {Weiss} and Jaroslav {Zendulka}",
title="Modeling of Services and Service Collaboration in UML 2.0",
booktitle="Information Systems and Formal Models",
publisher="Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, Silesian university in Opava",