Publication Details
Counterexample Analysis in Abstract Regular Tree Model Checking of Complex Dynamic Data Structures
Formal verification, Regular tree model checking, shape analysis,
We focus in details on the use of abstract regular tree model checking(ARTMC) within a successful method for verification of programs withdynamic data structures. The method is based on a use of a set oftransducers to describe the behaviour of the verified system. But theARTMC method was originally developed for systems of one transduceronly and its generalization to several ones was supposed to bestraightforward. Although this straightforward generalization (used ina prototype implementation) works well in a number of examples, thecounterexample analysis is in general unreliable and can cause infinitelooping of the tool as we demonstrate on a simple example containing anerroneous pointer manipulation. Therefore we propose a new algorithmused for a counterexample analysis and we prove its correctness.
author="Lukáš {Holík} and Adam {Rogalewicz}",
title="Counterexample Analysis in Abstract Regular Tree Model Checking of Complex Dynamic Data Structures",
booktitle="Third Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS 2007)",
publisher="Ing. Zdeněk Novotný, CSc.",