Publication Details
Keyword Spotting in Meeting Data
keyword spotting, lattice, LVCSR, phoneme recognizer, informal speech
This paper describes several approaches to keyword spotting (KWS) for informal continuous speech. We compare acoustic keyword spotting, spotting in word lattices generated by large vocabulary continuous speech recognition and a hybrid approach making use of phoneme lattices generated by a phoneme recognizer. The systems are compared on carefully defined test data extracted from ICSI meeting database. The acoustic and phoneme-lattice based KWS are based on a phoneme recognizer making use of long temporal split context feature extraction
and posterior estimation using neural nets. The advantages and drawbacks of different approaches are discussed.
author="Igor {Szőke}",
title="Keyword Spotting in Meeting Data",
booktitle="Proceedings of the 12th Conference Student EEICT 2006 Volume 4",
publisher="Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT",