Publication Details
Towards Verification of Systems of Asynchronous Concurrent Processes
Asynchronous Network Model, System of Asynchronous Concurrent Processes, pi-Calculus, Formal Specification, Verification, Validation
Distributed information systems as applications of networkedinformation technology systems create needs for reliable architectureswith emphasis on formal specification, verification and validation. Infact, software confederations and global software systems connect manyconcurrent processes into asynchronous network systems, e.g. viaservice-oriented architecture or multiple agent architecture. Areusable object-oriented software framework for systems of asynchronousconcurrent processes based on the modified asynchronous network modelprovides a framework for implementation of asynchronous distributedsystems and their translation into the process algebra. This paper isabout a formal specification and verification of systems implementedusing the framework by means of the calculus of mobile processes(pi-calculus).
author="Marek {Rychlý}",
title="Towards Verification of Systems of Asynchronous Concurrent Processes",
booktitle="Proceedings of 9th International Conference ISIM'06",