Publication Details
Knowing a Word vs. Accessing a Word: Wordnet and Word Association Norms as Interfaces to Electronic Dictionaries
Smrž Pavel, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (DCGM)
wordnet, psycholinguistics
Various groups of users,ranging from professional translators and writers to language learners, usedictionaries in their everyday work. The electronic form of the dictionariesfacilitated and accelerated the access to their content considerably andbrought new ways of the dictionary search. However, the current products arestill unable to offer a full-featured search by meaning which would beadvantageous in many cases. This paper describes our experiments onaccess-supporting enhancements of electronic dictionaries that are based onwordnets and word association norms. Results of evaluation experiments for twoEuropean languages - English and Russian - are presented. The comparison withthe fulltext- and corpus-based access methods shows that the proposed ways ofthe dictionary search often provide the best word-access strategy.
author="Anna {Sinopalnikova} and Pavel {Smrž}",
title="Knowing a Word vs. Accessing a Word: Wordnet and Word Association Norms as Interfaces to Electronic Dictionaries",
booktitle="Proceedings of the Third International WordNet Conference, GWC 2006",
publisher="Masaryk University",