Publication Details
FPGA-Based Platform for Network Applications
FPGA, network application, gmii, xgmii, PCI, bus master
Increasing network bandwidth enables creation of more efficient and new
client-server type applications but requires more computational powerin the servers. This paper presents a qualitatively new approach toimplementation of~the applications in such servers. The proposed approach relies on the FPGA-based hardware accelerator board thatsupports implementation of the~computational core of the applicationsor pre/post-processing of the data in the FPGA. Usage of such boardrelieves the server from the network-related data processing whileleaving more computational power to the application itself. This paperdemonstrates the proposed approach and describes the developedapplication platform containing 1 or 10 Gbps network interface, PCI
interface, and CAM/SRAM/DRAM memory chips.
author="Tomáš {Martínek} and Pavel {Zemčík} and Jan {Kořenek}",
title="FPGA-Based Platform for Network Applications",
booktitle="Proc. of 8th IEEE Design and Diagnostic of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop",
publisher="University of West Hungary",