Publication Details
Tutorial: Evolutionary Design Methods in Electronic Design Automation
accelerator, approximate circuit, electronic design automation, genetic
programming, machine learning
The use of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) for the automated design of programs,
electronic circuits, neural networks, and other computational structures has
become a fruitful approach in the last two decades. The advantage of EAs is that
they can handle the design process in a holistic, multiobjective way and create
solutions with unique properties. This tutorial surveys the key ingredients of
EAs and focuses mainly on genetic programming. It presents several techniques
(such as incorporating formal verification methods and surrogate models) to
improve the scalability of the method. Examples of evolved solutions (approximate
arithmetic circuits, neural network architectures, and image filters) that show
unique properties compared to conventional designs are presented and discussed.
author="Lukáš {Sekanina}",
title="Tutorial: Evolutionary Design Methods in Electronic Design Automation",
booktitle="IEEE 42nd International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD)",
publisher="IEEE Computer Society",