Publication Details
Byte-Precise Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation
symbolic memory graphs
We propose a new approach to shape analysis of programs with linked lists that use low-level memory operations. Such operations include pointer arithmetic, safe usage of invalid pointers, block operations with memory, reinterpretation of the memory contents, address alignment, etc. Our approach is based on a new representation of sets of heaps, which is to some degree inspired by works on separation logic with higher-order list predicates, but it is graph-based and uses a more fine-grained (byte-precise) memory model in order to support the various low-level memory operations. The approach was implemented in the Predator tool and successfully validated on multiple non-trivial case studies that are beyond the capabilities of other current fully automated shape analysis tools.
author="Kamil {Dudka} and Petr {Peringer} and Tomáš {Vojnar}",
title="Byte-Precise Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation",
publisher="Faculty of Information Technology BUT",
address="FIT-TR-2012-04, Brno",