Publication Details
Porovnání výkonnosti databází pohybujících se objektů
moving objects, performance comparison, Secondo, VTApi
Moving object databases allow to store and query the objects, which change their position in time. They also may change their position and their extent in time. The time-dependent data can be represented in several different ways. The moving object databases may be useful for storing data (for example, trajectories of movements of objects) from different security and surveillance systems. Data may be also queried later. Not only for these cases, it is needed to process data as quickly as possible. This paper deals with comparing the performance of an extensible database system named Secondo, which uses Berkeley DB as a storage manager, and an application programming interface named VTApi, which uses database system PostgreSQL as a storage manager. The paper provides some basic information about Secondo system and about VTApi interface. It also presents a selection of test data, describes them briefly and provides information about their adjustments for testing purposes. Paper presents selected methods for performance testing and their results. Finally, the results are discussed and the proposals of future directions are mentioned.
author="Tomáš {Volf}",
title="Porovnání výkonnosti databází pohybujících se objektů",
booktitle="Proceedings of the Student Research Conference",
publisher="Přírodovědecká fakulta Ostravské univerzity v Ostravě",