Publication Details
Storing and retrieving Wordnet database (and other structured dictionaries) in XML lexical database management system
WordNet, lexical database management system, XML
The paper deals with an efficient storage and retrieval of variouskinds of lexical information in a specialised lexical databasemanagement system. Relevant aspects of the XML format and many relatedtechnologies are surveyed first. The second section describesmotivations and internals of the designed and implemented client/serversystem. The last section brings information about one specificsub-modul of our system that will integrate lexical rules for regularpolysemy and derivational morphology paradigms.
Anotace anglicky:The paper deals with an efficient storage and retrieval of variouskinds of lexical information in a specialised lexical databasemanagement system. Relevant aspects of the XML format and many relatedtechnologies are surveyed first. The second section describesmotivations and internals of the designed and implemented client/serversystem. The last section brings information about one specificsub-modul of our system that will integrate lexical rules for regularpolysemy and derivational morphology paradigms.
author="Pavel {Smrž}",
title="Storing and retrieving Wordnet database (and other structured dictionaries) in XML lexical database management system",
booktitle="Proceedings of the First International Global WordNet Conference",