Publication Details
Tvorba MKP modelů vokálního traktu pro české samohlásky
FEM, vocal tract, czech vowel, MR, meshing, modal analysis
This article is dealing with problems of creating FEM models of humanvocal tract of Czech vowels. The solution is connected to grant projectGA 106/98/K019. We need the FEM modelsfor modal analysis of vocal tract. To take geometry of vocal tract wehave scanned some person on MR. Scanning was in time of speaking ofspecified vowels. First step of creating FEM models was segmentation ofvocal tract from MR data. Result of segmentation are voxel models. Nextwas vectorization of the voxel models by Marching cubes method, witchproduce boundary of the voxel models, as a triangular meshes. Next themeshes was smoothed and decimated. Then we use them as a base forDelaunay triangulation. Results of the one are tetrahedral meshes. Laststep is optimizingquality of the tetrahedral meshes, to take final FEM models of vocaltract.
author="Přemysl {Kršek}",
title="Tvorba MKP modelů vokálního traktu pro české samohlásky",
booktitle="Interaction and feedback 2000",
publisher="Akademie věd ČR",