Publication Details
Performance Prediction of Cluster Computing
Čejka Rudolf, Ing. (CVT)
CSP, modeling, cluster computing, Transim
In recent years, workstation clusters have become popular for solvingscientific problems and running computation-intensive simulations inparallel. We present a simple CSP-based model of this kind ofcomputing, suitable for dedicated clusters as well as for enterpriseclusters connected via Ethernet. A Transim tool can be used to simulatevarious parallel applications running on workstation clusters. Sincecommunication latency is quite high in clusters, prediction ofprocessor utilization, obtainable speedup and execution time are ofinterest. The Transim tool enables to find all these figures in minimumtime and with minimum effort. As an example, a solution of a largesystem of (1000+) linear equations on 8 workstations connected via ahardware router is simulated and results are presented.
A simple CSP-based model of cluster computing, suitable for clusters with star topology and hw router (Omega network) is presented. Use of the Transim tool for simulation of parallel applications running on such clusters has been demonstrated.
author="Václav {Dvořák} and Rudolf {Čejka}",
title="Performance Prediction of Cluster Computing",
booktitle="Proceedings of the International Workshop Modelling and Simulation in Management, Informatics and Control MOSMIC'99",
publisher="Zilina University Publisher",