Publication Details
A Two's Complement Division Method with Automatic Quotient Rounding
two's complement division, four-quadrant division, non-restoring division, hardware division, quotient rounding
The paper describes a two's complement division method that automatically rounds the quotient to the nearest upper integer number. Initially, the dividend is corrected by adding one half of a divisor to the dividend. A simple non-restoring recursive process is used to obtain the bits of the quotient, one bit at a time. Quotient-overflow can be determined with some simple tests at the beginning of the division process. Two hardware implementations of this algorithm are given: one a combinational logic circuit that performs the division in simple ALU devices, and another in state controller within a XILINX XC3090 device.Jerry J. Cupal is the Associate Professor at the University of Wyoming.
author="EYSSELT, M. and CUPAL, J.",
title="A Two's Complement Division Method with Automatic Quotient Rounding",
booktitle="Proceedings of the INTERNATIONAL AMSE CONFERENCE SYS'95",
publisher="Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science BUT",
address="July 3-5, Brno",