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Některé studijní problémy studentů po jejich přechodu na vysokou školu technickou
transition from college into university of technology, knowledge of mathematics, knowledge of physics
"Some Study Problems of Students after Their Transition into a University of Technology" is article in Czech (contact the author).
A transition of a student from an industrial college or from a grammar school into a university of technology is not a simple task. An organization of a study, and methods, how study matters are passed between instructors and students, are quite another, and some students are not able to manage this sudden change of their habitual stereotypes. In this paper, several recognitions of an author are explained from his multiyear activities as an adviser/tutor of the Computer Science and Engineering branch at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Brno University of Techology.
author="Miloš {Eysselt}",
title="Některé studijní problémy studentů po jejich přechodu na vysokou školu technickou",
journal="Technické aktuality a metodické rozhledy pro střední průmyslové školy",