Publication Details
Bisimulation relations in categories of A-labelled Petri nets and the connection of CCS and Petri nets
Petri net, process algebras, CCS, bisimulation, category, translation algorithm.
Process algebras like CCS and Petri nets are models of parallel systems. Both are widely used in modelling and simulation and both have been deeply developed by many researchers. Both models have a lot in common and usually you can find a description of a system expressed in both formalism. But the analysis techniques are sharply different. The Petri net followed the ideas of liveness and invariants. The CCS analysis techniques are based on the notion of bisimilarity of process behaviour. This work is focused on the concept of bringing this different approaches closed together in order to show, what can be transferred from one theory to another to enrich the analysis of concurrent systems.
author="Milan {Urbášek}",
title="Bisimulation relations in categories of A-labelled Petri nets and the connection of CCS and Petri nets",
address="Huddersfield, Great Britain",