Publication Details
Real-Time Light Field Video Focusing and GPU Accelerated Streaming
Milet Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c. (DCGM)
Kula Michal, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
Light field, GPU, Image-based rendering
This paper proposes a novel solution of real-time depth range and correct
focusing estimation in light field videos represented by arrays of video
sequences. This solution, compared to previous approaches, offers a novel way to
render high-quality synthetic views from light field videos on contemporary
hardware in real-time. Only the video frames containing color information with no
other attributes, such as captured depth, are needed. The drawbacks of the
previous proposals such as block artifacts in the defocused parts of the scene or
manual setting of the depth range are also solved in this paper. This paper
describes a complete solution that solves the main memory and performance issues
of light field rendering on contemporary personal computers. The whole
integration of high-quality light field videos supersedes the approaches in
previous works and the paper also provides measurements and experimental results.
While reaching the same quality as slower state-of-the-art approaches, this
method can still be used in real-time which makes it suitable for industry and
real-life scenarios as an alternative to standard 3D rendering approaches.
author="Tomáš {Chlubna} and Tomáš {Milet} and Pavel {Zemčík} and Michal {Kula}",
title="Real-Time Light Field Video Focusing and GPU Accelerated Streaming",
journal="Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology",