Publication Details
The Development of the AMI System for the Transcription of Speech in Meetings
Karafiát Martin, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
Dines John
McCowan Iain
Lincoln Mike
Garau Giulia
Wan Vincent
Ordelman Roeland
Renals Steve, prof.
speech recognition, LVCSR, speech processing, signal processing, HMM, Language
modeling, meeting transcriptions
This paper describes the development of a baseline automatic speech transcription
system for meetings in the context of the AMI (Augmented Multiparty Interaction)
The automatic processing of speech collected in conference
style meetings has attracted considerable interest with several large scale projects devoted to this area. This paper describes the development of a baseline automatic speech transcription system for meetings in the context of the AMI (Augmented Multiparty Interaction) project. We present several techniques important to processing of this data and show the performance in terms of word error rates (WERs). An important aspect of transcription of this data is the necessary flexibility in terms of
audio pre-processing. Real world systems have to deal with flexible input,for example by using microphone arrays or randomly placed microphones in a room. Automatic segmentation and microphone array processing techniques are described and the effect on WERs is discussed. The system and its components presented in this paper yield compettive performance
and form a baseline for future research in this domain.
author="Thomas {Hain} and Martin {Karafiát} and John {Dines} and Iain {McCowan} and Mike {Lincoln} and Giulia {Garau} and Vincent {Wan} and Roeland {Ordelman} and Steve {Renals}",
title="The Development of the AMI System for the Transcription of Speech in Meetings",
booktitle="Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, Second International Workshop, MLMI 2005, Edinburgh, UK, July 11-13, 2005, Revised Selected Papers",
series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 3869, Springer 2006",
publisher="University of Edinburgh",