Publication Details
Accelerating Suricata with DPDK Prefilters: 386 Days Later
DPDK, Suricon, Suricata, Packet Metadata, Acceleration, IDS, IPS, Flow Bypass
Last year, there has been a talk that presented an introduction to the DPDK
support in Suricata. It also presented a vision of what a future DPDK integration
into Suricata can look like. The vision consisted of a small program, Prefilter,
placed in between NICs and Suricata. Prefilter, responsible for Suricata
acceleration, could either reduce the incoming traffic or add metadata to the
incoming packets. It also provides a vendor-independent option for Suricata
development. This talk brings an update on how the vision is becoming a reality.
After a quick refresh of the vision, the talk presents current Prefilter
architecture with already existing Prefilter features such as inter-process
communication or an asynchronous bypass. But most importantly, the talk also
presents the results of the first experiments.
author="Lukáš {Šišmiš} and Jan {Kořenek}",
title="Accelerating Suricata with DPDK Prefilters: 386 Days Later",
note="presentation, poster"