Publication Details
A New Data Structure Based on Intervals
parametric verification, symbolic data structure, intervals
Traditional approaches to the verification of real-time systemsdeal with timed models where time is expressed by variables that arecompared with explicite values (e.g., integers). Parametric timed andcounter models use parameters to define constraints over clocks orcounters. Verification of automata with parameters isgenerally undecidable. However, it is decidable for somerestricted classes of parametric systems and moreover manypractical system outside of these classes may be successfully verifiedusing semi-algorithms. Analysis mostly depends on the efficientdata structure that is used to express behavior of the system. In thispaper we discuss data structures used for representation of timedand counter automata. We introduce a new data structure based onparametrized intervals for counter automata and operation that areneeded for verification. This structure makes operations over parametric counter automata simple in comparison to other approaches.
author="Petr {Matoušek}",
title="A New Data Structure Based on Intervals",
booktitle="Proceedings of MOVEP'04",