Publication Details
Towards verification of processes in object-oriented model of project management
Kreslíková Jitka, doc. RNDr., CSc. (DIFS)
Project management, object-oriented model, communication sequential processes, formal specification, verification, FDR2
Text is focused on the object-oriented model of project management and description of its behavior by the algebra of communication sequential processes (CSP). The simple process of project management is presented by the activity diagram and formally defined. The tool Failure-divergence Refinement (FDR2) is used for analyze of presented process.
Text is focused on the object-oriented model of project management and description of its behavior by the algebra of communication sequential processes (CSP). The simple process of project management is presented by the activity diagram and formally defined. The tool Failure-divergence Refinement (FDR2) is used for analyze of presented process.
author="David {Bednář} and Jitka {Kreslíková}",
title="Towards verification of processes in object-oriented model of project management",
booktitle="Proceedings of ASIS 2004",
series="ACTA MOSIS No. 98",